Our 20 Most Recent Blog Posts

Jordon Baade •

Maintaining Static Websites: Embracing Simplicity and Convenience

A key benefit of static websites is their lower demand for regular updates. Unlike dynamic sites that rely on databases and server side scripts, static websites consist of pre-built files. This fundamental distinction in their construction and delivery means that static sites do not require constant updates to databases or scripts.

Jordon Baade •

Why a Static Site is Better Than WordPress: A Comprehensive Guide

Although WordPress has long been a favored choice, static websites are gaining traction due to their array of benefits. This detailed guide explores the reasons why opting for a static site often proves superior to using WordPress.

Jordon Baade •

The significance of Performance of Static Websites

Search engines favor faster websites, which can enhance SEO performance. Achieving a higher ranking in search results can drive more traffic and boost business growth.

Jordon Baade •

Cost Effectiveness of Static Sites: A Deep Dive

Static sites are pre-built and can be hosted anywhere, unlike dynamic sites that require a server to generate pages. This helps reduce server costs, making static sites a wallet friendly option.

Jordon Baade •

Security in Static Sites: Safety First

The absence of a database in static sites eliminates a common target for cyberattacks. Databases are often targeted by hackers seeking valuable information, making them a weak link in website security protocols. By getting rid of the database, static websites eliminate a potential security threat.

Jordon Baade •

SEO Benefits of Static Sites: Rank Higher, Reach Further

A pivotal aspect that search engines take into account when ranking websites is their loading speed. The faster a site loads, the more favorable it is for SEO purposes. Static sites, being pre-built, load quicker than dynamic platforms like WordPress that generate content dynamically.

Jordon Baade •

Ditch WordPress and Save the World

Every page of your WordPress website requires a database call. You almost can't avoid plugins that make your site slow. You definitely won't find a lot of effective use of caching either, and all this wastes resources and adds to the steep costs of WordPress.

Jordon Baade •

Customizability of Static Sites: Empowering Creativity

Unlike dynamic platforms like WordPress that often restrict users to predefined themes and layouts, static websites empower you to design your site exactly as you envision it. This means you have the liberty to craft a distinct website that truly embodies your brand identity.